pb: dave franco
3rd person, past tense, storybook
adult or ftb; PST timezone
ooc chat & plotting very welcome!
legal name rylan joshua soza nicknames ry, rj birthdate - age march 26th, 1986 birthplace baton rouge, la current residence baton rouge, la occupation lawyer parents adam soza (58)
leah soza, née aberman (57) sexuality kinsey 1 relationship status taken
» rylan joshua soza
Chaos was the law of nature; Order was the dream of man.

Rylan was born the second son to Adam and Leah Soza on March 26th, 1986. His path in life had already practically been decided before he was even out of the womb. His father, grandfather and great grandfather were all prominent lawyers in Louisiana and it was assumed that at least one of the Soza children would follow in their footsteps. Rylan was the one who showed the most potential at a really young age, with his father quizzing him of various cases in history all through out his life. The importance of Rylan's education was stressed early on as there was only one choice school for law in their eyes and that was Yale. He attended private school at Dalton in New York, where he had extended family.

Ry grew very partial to his summers away from school and it caused him to find a deep love for his hometown away from the crazy lifestyles of the big city. Away from all the responsibilities put on him by his curricular schedule, he often escaped into the Louisiana wilderness with friends and his brothers; taking as many camping trips and hikes as his parents would permit. Once he was sixteen, his father put him to work at his law firm during every school break, to get him used to the environment and further his knowledge for his future. In his senior year, within the top 10% of his class, Rylan was accepted into Yale.

He started his undergraduate degree in Philosophy with a minor in English, on his father's recommendation, in 2004. During his time at Yale, he pledged Sigma Alpha Epsilon in his undergrad years and was involved with Linonian Society during his graduate program. He left Yale with his law degree in 2012 and returned to Louisiana to practice law at his grandfather's firm, where he currently works.

Rylan's personal life has had it's ups and downs. Commitment has never been a strong point for him on a romantic level and the avoidance of it for so long has made it difficult for him to change as he's gotten older, developing into almost a fear of it as the unknown. His relationship with his siblings can sometimes be turbulent, because of his close bond with his father; something the others haven't felt they've quite shared. He gets bored easily when life becomes too mundane and it's gotten him in trouble a time or two in the past. He doesn't keep the kind of friends that his parents really approve of and that coupled with his mischief has caused rifts through his home life. But even nearing thirty, he's still learning.


drinks more than he should and often, which sometimes leads to poor decision making. he also smokes when he drinks, but wouldn't really classify himself as a smoker. lives off coffee more than is probably healthy and intakes more of it than water on a daily basis.

owns a two bedroom house. The spare room he uses for his legal studies complete with a decent library he's collected from his family and random purchases. Though, it's all more for show. He uses his tablet to read.

owns a cat, Mischief. He figured a dog would be too much trouble and cats are fairly independent creatures. Plus, girls love cats and his mother wanted him to have some sort of animal so that he wouldn't be alone. Mischief is a black and grey tabby and she's finicky.

Knows bits of French and Italian from his travels in Europe but is only fluent in Spanish, having taken three years of it. One in high school and two at the college level.

He enjoys traveling and will take any opportunity to get out of town for a little while but inevitably will always return home.

Loves deep and intellectual conversations with people on subjects like politics and philosophy. He enjoys studying things like history and natural sciences in his spare time and betters his professional knowledge through a lot of true crime exploration.

Has a love for old movies and idolizes men like humphrey bogart, marlon brando, clarke gable, and john wayne.

Took almost a whole year off from school after his undergrad to travel Europe and experience other cultures. Also spent some time in India and Japan, before he returned to Yale for law school.

Some might say he has a fear of commitment but he doesn't consider it a fear, just something he's put off because he's had no reason to really focus on it. He's had steady relationships since high school and he's a bit of a serial monogamist, but nothing he would have ever considered long lasting or "the one".